INDIVIDUAL Counselling & Psychotherapy





"what one needs blessed are the oddities of character specific to our solitary uniqueness and therfore so hard to bear. I can bless my own virtues

but, ..... I need a well- trained, long-suffering eye to bless the virtues concealed in my vices" - James Hillman

Me & My Practice

Having been a Counsellor and Psychotherapist for over thirty years, I know that no one REALLY wants to come and see me. I can seem like a last resort. I'm the person you come to when no-one else will do, and, ...... you have to pay me! You've reached a point where you have to talk to someone; someone who will recognise and understand the gravity of your situation. Someone who will take you and your experience(s) of life seriously.

Counselling and Psychotherapy; .... this is my job; what I do for a living; have conversations with people, be with them, helping them through times of difficulty, doubt, uncertainty and despair. Like walking a tightrope, it’s a risky business; we might speak the unspeakable, hear the unhearable, feel the unfeelable, see the unseeable, touch the untouchable. That’s quite risky then; daring to hear, see, feel, touch, speak and sense that which has had no permission before. We can feel very fearful reaching out to a Counsellor or Psychotherapist; everyone I’ve worked with has said that contacting me was one of the hardest things they ever did. But.... you can only start from where you are!

each person is different.... the myth that heals is an individual work of art - Iris Murdoch

About Me

In practice since 1991, my approach is very much 'tailored' to the individuals, couples or groups I work with. My clients say they find me insightful, intuitive, humourous, pragmatic and down-to-earth. I hope I bring gravitas and integrity to my work, believing that my own limitations and imperfections are only human. I am fortunate to be able to draw on the rich experience of working with many skillful Counselling and Psychotherapy trainers and therapists, and the courage, integrity and uniqueness of my students and clients. My approach gives those I work with, the permission, support, and challenge, to be more of who they truly are.

A little about me........ I have played cricket for Kent, once; ran around Soho furiously to all the tailors for nine months; collected cash from tills at Butlins; poured white-hot molten metal into casts; emigrated to Toronto where I discovered photography; had my eyes opened at Art College; photographed, amongst others, Hell’s Angels, Benedictine monks and Joan Collins; lectured in creative photography at various art colleges across England; spent nearly ten years trying and failing to be a musical ‘someone’, whilst being a projectionist; created the first organic vegetarian restaurant in South London and took ordination as an Interfaith Minister. My own inner, and outer material collapse, led me to therapy at 38 years old and, eventually, as a consequence, to my own training as a therapist. Now nearly forty years later I help both clients and other therapists be more truly who they are, while having the occasional photographic image exhibition. I still, in this insecure and unpredictable world, live by the ‘seat of my pants’ and hope to cultivate the courage to love amongst the fears, trials and tribulations of the inner and outer world. I live with my wife just outside Hereford and have ten grandchildren.

My practice room is approximately 15 mins from Hereford and within easy reach of Ross-on-Wye, Ledbury, Abergavenny, Monmouth and Hay-on-Wye.

Qualifications, Training & Background

Senior Accredited Psychotherapist & Counsellor - National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society

Registered psychedelic integration practitioner with The Institute of Psychedelic Therapy

Interfaith Minister - Interfaith Foundation

Advanced Gestalt Psychotherapy Training (Gestalt SouthWest)

Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy - Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling

Trauma and Phobia Therapy - Uncommon Knowledge


SUPERVISION (Group & Individual) 2000/to date

Individual Supervision for Counsellors, Psychotherapists

Group Supervisor - 'Stepps' Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centre - Gloucestershire

Group Supervisor - Counselling & Psychotherapy Service in Hereford

Group Supervisor - Royal Forest of Dean College.

GROUPWORK 1994/to date (Training, Personal & Spiritual Development)

Workshops for teachers, social workers, nurses and carers.

Visiting Lecturer Personal Development Facilitator on Counselling Diploma Course (UWE) 2003-11

Ongoing Practitioner Development Groups for practicing therapists and counsellors (ongoing)


Private practice in Hereford and Bristol

Founder member IPN network

Regional co-ordinator for IPN 1994-2000

Senior Accredited Psychotherapist & Counsellor NCS


Trained in Humanistic & Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy

(Bath Centre for Psych & Couns) and Advanced Gestalt Psychotherapy (Gestalt SouthWest)

RESTAURANT & ORGANIC FOOD STORE 1982-87 - owned and set up first organic vegetarian restaurant and foodstore in South London.

MUSIC 1977-1981

Projectionist Recorded music for intermissions at Art-house cinema Ritzy, Brixton

Various band incarnations. Released record that briefly tops independent music chart. Now collectable!


Visiting Lecturer (BA Photography) Various Art Colleges

Diploma - Creative Photography 1970 (Derby Coll. Of Art)

'Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto': I am human, nothing human is alien to me.

- Terence, Roman playwright

© Clive Oxford

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